My Thoughts Books

Why is it good to write questionnaire books?

Who is the most important person in your life?

It is YOU!

Do we really know ourselves? How often we actually spend time on exploring ourselves, doing things that we like or focusing on what we really want? In today’s world we are programmed to constantly follow other people’s lives: we spend hours of watching other people’s life on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, magazines, TV.. everywhere. To be honest, that is insane.

It is time to STOP that! Only you live this life so we should start switching all that energy on ourselves than  on focusing others.

MyThoughtsBooks are a great way to take a moment and really explore yourself or your relationships. Some people don’t like to answer questions because they are afraid of look deep down inside of themselves. But that is when you really start to know yourself. When you fully know yourself, you are confident and love yourself – and then you are capable of loving others. Too many people are lost and insecure because they DON’T actually KNOW THEMSELVES. They are too programmed not to look who they really are, what they really want and what makes them happy.

You can always grow. Every second you learn something new. By writing MyThoughtsBooks, you learn something new all the time.

Writing questionnaire books has an amazing healing power for every day life. Researchers have found that reading and writing  can be a wonderful source of stressrelease. Opening a book can take you to another place and time. Reading is tantamount to a mental holiday during which we lose ourselves in a gripping story that, in addition, helps us understand our world and ourselves more fully.

It’s time to start healing and exploring yourself.


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